Text Cases SR

Descrição do Produto

  • Lower Case
  • If you are wondering how to uncapitalize text, this is exactly what the lower case text converter will allow you to do - it transforms all the letters in your text into lowercase letters. Simply copy the text that you need generating into lower case and paste the text into the box above and select the ‘lower case’ option.
  • Upper Case
  • The upper case transformer will take any text that you have and will generate all the letters into upper case ones. It will essentially make all lower case letters into CAPITALS (as well as keep upper case letters as upper case letters).
  • To do this, you simply have to select the text that you need changing and pasting into the box above and then select the UPPER CASE option.
  • Title Case
  • The title case converter is perfect for those who are a bit unsure on how to title an upcoming essay. It essentially ensures the correct letters are capitalized within the context of a title. Words such as “an” will be left all in lower case and words that are important will be converted such as “Title”.

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