waistra - free unlimited cloud storage app

R$ 0,00

Descrição do Produto

  • Free Unlimited cloud storage: Cloud storage space is much more important during selection of cloud storage app to make cloud storage experience better. But nothing to worry about cloud storage space while using waistra free cloud storage because we takes care of your unlimited cloud storage space for android. You can use waistra free unlimited cloud storage space from android and web. This unlimited cloud storage space can be enjoyed by Waistra cloud storage or Waistra cloud web. Your unlimited storage space can be enjoyed by just signing in to any device. You can access your files from Waistra cloud storage anytime as Waistra cloud storage provides ease of cloud accessibility.
  • Rich User Experience: User experience is important while using cloud storage. Waistra has every easy and interactive interface to make your free cloud storage space usable. With single click you are able to use unlimited cloud storage space with waistra cloud storage.
  • File Management: Waistra gives a better way to manage your files on cloud storage with unlimited cloud storage capacity. You can create or manage files in waistra cloud storage with wall needy function in waistra cloud storage.
  • Audio / video streaming: With Waistra cloud storage you get option to view or stream you cloud uploaded media files on waistra cloud storage. You can download or stream media files online in waistra cloud storage. The free unlimited cloud storage space is utilized in waistra cloud storage.
  • Public / Private mode for files: This feature of Waistra cloud storage allows you to make your files Public on waistra cloud storage by your own choice. By default all your all files are in private mode and which can be accessed by you only. If you wish to make any file of you cloud file public you can make it public by just change mode of file private to public in waistra cloud storage.
  • Secure file storage: Waistra cloud storage is secured by 256 bit encryption so that decryption of data for unauthorized user can be made null to ensure secure cloud experience with waistra cloud storage and your unlimited cloud storage experience make better to enjoy free cloud storage.

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