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The social guestbook allows the next tenant at your place to see what's been posted from there, making it easy to share stories and write reviews A social network for neighborhoods with built-in local news for some major cities See applicable landlord-tenant laws for your problem and region, without all the legalese (US only) Smart search makes it easy to find applicable laws and features Powerful add-ons allow you to track chores, shopping, or bills Take it everywhere! It's on desktop, web, A
Descrição do Produto
- The social guestbook allows the next tenant at your place to see what's been posted from there, making it easy to share stories and write reviews
- A social network for neighborhoods with built-in local news for some major cities
- See applicable landlord-tenant laws for your problem and region, without all the legalese (US only)
- Smart search makes it easy to find applicable laws and features
- Powerful add-ons allow you to track chores, shopping, or bills
- Take it everywhere! It's on desktop, web, Android, iOS, and Amazon.