MailTime Email Messenger Mail

R$ 0,00

Descrição do Produto

  • “Message” Your Email:
  • MailTime cuts out annoying clutters to display emails in clean bubbles, just like text-messaging! View your emails as conversations, not threads! When needed, you can always toggle between MailTime and traditional email interface with a simple tap.
  • Communicate:
  • MailTime sorts all your email messages into Chats and Newsletters based on your email behaviors. It prioritizes emails from friends, so you can focus on communication rather than organization.
  • Group Chats:
  • Email conversations in MailTime are just like a group chat. You can easily add, or remove participants with a couple of clicks.
  • Voice Email Messages:
  • Record and send voice messages on the go when you want to send something quickly without typing.
  • Too Long; Didn't Read:
  • Similar to Twitter’s 140-character limit, MailTime alerts you if your message is too long. You can still send them, but there is no guarantee that they'll be read!

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