Smart Stock (Stock tracking/widget/alert)
Sua compra será finalizada na AMAZON.
√ World-wide markets sync with Google. √ Up-to-date realtime stock data √ Multiple portfolios √ Sortable symbol lists: Sort by ticker symbol or stock price percentage change. √ Colorful widgets √ Alerts, set price alert/alarm to get notification √ Transaction records, watch your money anytime. √ Currency rates √ Financial News and stock related news √ Multiple type of Charts with Interactive candle stick chart. √ 支持中文, Chinese support.
Descrição do Produto
- √ World-wide markets sync with Google.
- √ Up-to-date realtime stock data
- √ Multiple portfolios
- √ Sortable symbol lists: Sort by ticker symbol or stock price percentage change.
- √ Colorful widgets
- √ Alerts, set price alert/alarm to get notification
- √ Transaction records, watch your money anytime.
- √ Currency rates
- √ Financial News and stock related news
- √ Multiple type of Charts with Interactive candle stick chart.
- √ 支持中文, Chinese support.