Landmark Manager
Sua compra será finalizada na AMAZON.
Check-in at Facebook Places, Foursquare or Google, Find out where your Facebook or Foursquare friends checked-in or took photos, Send updates to Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn, Find local deals from Groupon, 8Coupons and Foursquare Merchant, Compare hotel prices and book rooms with Hotels Combined and Expedia, Find ATMs, parkings or routes, See photos from Instagram, Panoramio, Flickr and Picasa, Link with your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google or Foursquare accounts, Share selected la
Descrição do Produto
- Check-in at Facebook Places, Foursquare or Google,
- Find out where your Facebook or Foursquare friends checked-in or took photos,
- Send updates to Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn,
- Find local deals from Groupon, 8Coupons and Foursquare Merchant,
- Compare hotel prices and book rooms with Hotels Combined and Expedia,
- Find ATMs, parkings or routes,
- See photos from Instagram, Panoramio, Flickr and Picasa,
- Link with your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google or Foursquare accounts,
- Share selected landmark details via Mail, SMS, Facebook, Twitter and many more,
- Find route from your current position to place you want to visit.